How do the AI assistants work?

The AI assistants are designed to give you support in achieving your objectives across different areas such as  sales/marketing, and productivity/mindset.

What makes the approach on Impactful Today different is that the coaches are not about just giving you information, they want to drill deeper into the conversation to help you identify what is holding you back so you can create a plan of action to overcome the obstacles.

Are there limits?

The coaches will allow you to have multiple chats per day with several threads. You shouldn't notice any limitations unless you are having a long and detailed chat that covers a significant amount of characters.

Please avoid copying and pasting huge chunks of data. There are other services that offer the ability to do that and review PDFs etc or long-form content but that's not what these AI Coaches are for.

They will help review copy or give advice however they are not designed to be pure generative models similar to others that create product descriptions, newsletters etc.

What information is stored?

Each conversation is saved against a unique identifier. The coach may ask you for your first name however your personal details are not transferred to any third-party service or system.

What you discuss with the coach is private however, as with all things, please remember that the coach isn't medically trained, a therapist, or a licensed counselor.

They are there to focus you on objectives so while they can help with advice around developing a growth mindset, it's encouraged not to disclose personal information of a sensitive nature simply because they won't be able to support or give the level of care required for those sensitive topics.

Can I ask for my data to be deleted?

Yes of course however chat transcripts are deleted on a weekly basis anyways.

Or if you have forgotten, just fill out the form and include date/time when you spoke to the coach 

How do coaches remember conversations?

They'll remember based on a cookie. You can of course clear your cookies if you wish to. They won't remember the history any further than that so if you delete a chat, clear your browser cookies or logout, when you return it'll be as if you are starting fresh.

This approach is to ensure privacy and that data retained is kept to a minimum as part of GDPR.

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